
le space

~A space to share my experience in life~



Django Girls Manchester 2017 – proud to have a #2


djangogirlsmcr17_1madlabSince the successful Django Girls Manchester in February 2016, I decided to run another Django Girls event in Manchester in 2017, and it took place on 11th February 2017! Yet again another brilliant and successful event providing free workshop to introduce programming to women, there were many driving forces to keep this energy going.

Continue reading “Django Girls Manchester 2017 – proud to have a #2”

New year, new skills – A guide to learn a new programming language – Python

As we are approaching the end of the year, many people seem to set targets for the new year ahead. This is a great time to reflect on what we have learnt, and what more we can learn. Having spent some time this year browsing through a number of ways in learning independently, one of my goals continue to be learning Python in this coming year.

I have gathered a number of online resources, should you wish to learn Python programming language like me! If you claimed to be pretty good at Python, you may just want to find out about these resources to help you search for something else to learn! Continue reading “New year, new skills – A guide to learn a new programming language – Python”

The birth of Django Girls Manchester


The story began when I attended Django Girls Coventry at PyConUK 2015, where I created a blog application, with the help of Django Girls Tutorial, and a dedicated very friendly and approachable coach! I thoroughly enjoyed the event, and wanted to give something back. So I was deciding between two possibilities, either by translating the tutorial to a different language, or be an organiser, and I decided the latter! Django Girls Manchester was born. Continue reading “The birth of Django Girls Manchester”

Bett Show 2015 – technology show for educators

Bett Show is a yearly exhibition in London showcasing the technologies currently available for schools, colleges and universities alike. If you are an educator or a student, and have an interest in the use of ILT then this is a must to visit!

The show took place in London ExCel in January 2015. It was a great opportunity for large well established and start-up companies to showcase what they could offer. There are many areas of interest, cater for primary, secondary, FE and HE sectors. During the visit, I have attended a few workshops, talks and stands to explore recent/new technologies/gadgets, which, I would like to share my experience with you all. Continue reading “Bett Show 2015 – technology show for educators”

Python user group – Python NorthWest

pynwTo catch up on my blog the second topic that came in my mind was my very first attendance at a Python user group last Thursday. It was organised by Python NorthWest, a meetup group took place in SpacePortX in Manchester. If you have an interest in Python programming language and would like to learn more or share your ideas, this is the one you should go for. You can be a complete beginner or a very advanced Python user. The group meets every third Thursday of each month at 7pm. They alternate between talks and coding sessions. Continue reading “Python user group – Python NorthWest”

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